D2.3 – Evaluation of the impact on protected species by monitoring numbers

Date: 30/10/2023
Author: E.E. van Loon, C. Black

Download D2.3 - Evaluation of the impact on protected species by monitoring numbers as pdf document

This report gives an overview of the biodiversity observations collected during the years 2021 to 2023 and analyses possible relations among the change in reed extent, IAS free area and the muskrat and coypu population sizes. It aims specifically to:

  1. Provide an overview of changes in the endangered species LKPI
  2. Evaluate if changes in the population size and/or clean area LKPIs can have led to changes in the endangered species LKPI
  3. Evaluate if changes in the habitat LKPI (size of the reedbed extent) can have led to changes in the endangered species LKPI